Thursday, November 8, 2007

What potty training tactics worked for you?

Lesson learned. No more gum drops. No more candy, period! Apparently, all my attempts to bribe my three-year-old son with gum drops failed when I reached the bottom of the candy dish and realized I was the only one suffering from sugar coma. Ugh! Now, I feel totally bloated, especially since Halloween has come and gone and more sugar has spiraled me out of control. At least I am potty trained. But he is still not, well wasn't until today when I finally realized he could care less about the last gum drop in the sugar bowl. I might as well lick the bowl clean - that's how bad I've been.

So, in my last attempt to rid him of diapers I said, "No more shows until you go poop or pee in the potty. No more Blue's Clue's, no more Dora and no more Diego." For two days we didn't turn the television on, and then he started asking to watch a show. I didn't cave. Guess what? It worked. I am brilliant! First he went poop in the potty and hoorayed himself until the cows came home. Next he went pee and bowed to receive his prize of an episode of Dora. Now, he is hooked and I am smiling pretty. I just hope he doesn't expect to watch television every time he makes something in the pot. Now, I've got bigger fish to fry.

The sad part of this story is that I don't even like gum drops.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You ARE brilliant!!! It amazes me how unique and individual our children are. It is a challenge (sometimes small, sometimes grand) to discover what motivates them . . . Pat yourself on the back for finding such a great motivator for Nolan. Just be prepared: Addison will probably keep you guessing for awhile too :)

Heather said...

Good tip. Do you think it would work for my 3 month old? Perhaps I could suggest no TV until he sleeps through the night. Yes, he really does already know what TV is...scary!

Crazy Mom in White Lake said...

For most authority to work, you have to know what will truely inspire your child. For some it is getting something sweet (my six year old loved Skittles) as a reward. For some it is withholding something, the TV thing really was brillant. For others it is just wanting to be like there "big brother" ... just hope Addison doesn't want to pee standing up :).