Sunday, November 4, 2007

My daughter is a goat

Help! I think my daughter is turning into a goat. Pinocchio turned into one, remember? Or, was it a donkey? Well, I think Addison is turning into one, too. Every time I turn around she is eating something: paper, crumbs, leaves, dirt, scraps of food from the floor, toys and then paper, again. I am constantly scooping things out of her mouth - once it was a little rubber stopper from the top of my perfume bottle. How did she get it you ask? Good question. As much as I praise myself for keeping an iron-clad, child-proof home I am stunned to find her chewing on yet another foreign object. Hooray for the angels who keep an extra eye on her and for the goats who have given me something to talk about today.

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