Wednesday, November 21, 2007

What everyone else wants for Christmas

Well, since I told you what I want for Christmas I better tell you what the rest of the family wants. Here we go:


1. More alone time with mom
2. Tickets to the Red-Wings
3. Tickets to the Lions
4. Tickets to MSU football game
5. Hunting weekend with no eyes-rolling, eyes-popping response of, "no way...not again."
6. More time with mom
7. Homemade pheasant casserole
8. A babysitter on New Year's Eve
9. To sleep in until 8 a.m.
10. More time with mom

What he will actually get

1. A black North Face Patagonia - since he lost his coat from last year. How do you loose a coat?
2. More time with mom

The kiddies

My three-year-old son

1. Birthday cake

What he will actually get

1. CandyLand - the Dora version
2. Twister - also on my list
3. Ice skating lessons
4. A train table - if I can find a used one
5. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom book - his favorite book from preschool

My nine-month-old

1. Gerber puffs

What she will actually get

1. Gerber puffs
2. My son's toys
3. The boxes my son's toys came in
4. An identification bracelet - a keepsake she will have for life
5. Baby and Me music classes from Kindermusic or from Chelsea Center for the Arts


Anonymous said...

What does my husband want? The same thing he wants every year - peace on earth, but I think this year he would prefer it start with me and his mom. I am willing, but it takes two. What is he actually getting? I have no idea.

My 16 year old daughter wants electric curlers and a ceramic straightener (so she can have a different look every day). She is getting earrings from the Mission Marketplace, a DVD of "Hairspray<" and various Avon lip glosses.

My 7 year old daughter wants a purple Hannah Montana guitar. Santa could not afford that, but found a great art easel at Big Lots.

My 3 year old daughter wants a "pink 'puter and I don't need welp." (Pink computer and I don't need help.) She wants to work alongside me as I am writing. She is getting a stroller for her baby doll. Both little girls are also getting a teddy from the Chelsea Teddy Bear Factory.

What do I want? I am torn. I would love a massage, but then I would have to go home. Or a day at the spa, but then I would have to go home. A weekend away has more possiblities, but then there is that home thing again. I am really a homebody, and what I dislike the most is micromanaging the rest of the family and picking up after them, etc. I try to teach this, but it doesn't go very well - it doesn't bother them and isn't their priority. So I guess what I really want is either a) reprogram them to pick up after themselves or b)reprogram myself so that clutter doesn't bother me. Now I realize that neither one would be easy, but isn't Christmas the season for miracles??

Running Mom said...

Hey - it is me again and I totally get your dilemma. I went out last night and returned at 9 p.m. to a messy kitchen.

The dinner plates were still on the table, with the food still on them. Seriously, gentlemen can't you at least clean off the plates.

The trashcan is in the pantry and we have a garbage disposal - just in case you didn't know. I've given up hope that I will someday return to an immaculate kitchen.

But, in all fairness to my hubby and my father-in-law, who drove all the way to Chelsea to watch my children before my hubby returned from work so that I could go out, the kids were fed, happy, safe, and all snugged tight in their beds when I walked through the door - well at least until they heard my voice and popped downstairs for a little more lovey dovey from me.

Oh well - I guess you can't have it all, right?