Monday, December 3, 2007

Christmas Shopping

Well, I failed at my first attempt to finish holiday shopping early. On Friday I decided I was going to start and finish my Christmas shopping this weekend. That idea went up in flames when I realized I wasn't going to get out at all to shop. But, I did manage to buy one gift. So, I'll try again this week.

I am enjoying the season, though. Despite bitter temperatures I ran 8 miles and saved myself, just a little, from over-indulging in party foods both Saturday and Sunday night. I love the Christmas season. The celebratory moments begin early with Christmas parties, appearances by Santa who often comes with plates piled high with cookies and cake snacks, and of course all the time spent at church remembering and giving thanks for this holiday - my three-year-old son asked when we were going to sing Happy Birthday to Jesus. After I told him Christmas morning he asked how many candles would go on the cake. I was stumped! So now I guess I need a birthday cake as well as the other holiday goodies that have become our tradition.

So the season brings more than just festivities we can't decline. It also brings tighter blue jeans and tummy's that are at often times, still full in the morning. But we don't have to loose hope. We can stay motivated together. Just click on the link titled, "Running Through Life," to read about my workouts and tell us what you to do to allow yourself another Christmas cookie. And, if you want or are in need of a good holiday recipe click on the link titled, "Easy, Breezy Meals." In fact, the crock pot roast I made last night, for my in-laws, is one you won't want to miss. I was still hoorayed this morning and I still feel quite accomplished.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish I could get into running, but I absolutely hate it. I hated it as a kid in gym, and I hate it now. But anyone I know who runs seems to love it. I don't know if they start out hating it and learn to love it, or they are born with a love of running.....

My exercise routine is to lift light weights two or three days a week, (think arms, abs, and legs); and on the other days follow either an aerobics videotape for up to 30 minutes, or use an exercies bike. I take one day off each week for sure.

The bad part about my exercise routine is that on very hectic days, when I need it the most for stress relief, I rarely make the time to do it. I maintain my weight for the most part, which I guess is good enough for now.

If you want to add a birthday cake to your Christmas celebration, you can google "Jesus birthday cake" (or some such similar thing) and you will get responses that give directions on what to do to make a cake that symbolizes the different aspects of Christmas and Jesus' life. I have never done one (as you say there are already so many treats around)but maybe this will be the year for it. I am feeling very anti-baking at the moment. I usually do quite a few cookies - and before kids came I would make a batch a day the whole month of December leading up to Christmas. I think I was insanely full of free time. So one cake instead of tons of cookies - it could be a good switch off.

I know if I end up doing that I will regret not pulling out my Christmas cookie cutters. My aunt used to always make gingerbread cutout cookies and everyone loved them. I have her recipe (which I think is actually just the one on the back of the Brer Rabbit Molasses jar) and they are very good. She died about eight years ago, and for a number of years after that I would make them and mail a whole bunch to my uncle. He misses her so much that he can tell you how many days it has been since she died. Of course, this is the uncle who is very into numbers. When I was little he would always greet me with a math problem. "Hey Jigs (his nickname for me) how much is 147 and 462?" I would answer "609." He would say, "By golly, that's right." Any time he wrote me a letter after I grew up and left the state, the letter would begin with the current weather conditions just listed at the top - temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, wind speed and direction. The funny thing is he never got past 8th grade. He had a horrible stuttering problem and was teased so terribly that he quit school, and in the 30s that was not too huge a deal, you know? My grandfather was a train engineer, and he got my uncle a job shoveling coal for the steam engine. Uncle worked his way up and eventually was also an engineer.

But I digress. Can you tell I am sitting here with tears in my eyes, thinking how much I love some people and how short life really is? So I will stop my ramblings now before I start bawling like a baby.

Happy shopping, Jennifer.