Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Give a little. Take a lot!

Not the title we are used to. Usually we say, "Give a lot, take a little." But not on Halloween. On Halloween it is the opposite, if you are a parent. Now wait, let me explain my comment before you run off saying that I told you to take the candy and run. Nope, not what I meant.

Halloween is my favorite holiday of the year. I love pumpkin picking, hayrides, haunted houses, cider and donuts and, most of all, dressing up in costume. For one day of the year we can be whatever we want - something funny, scary, beautiful. There are no limits on Halloween - the only rule is that we are not ourselves for the day, well not on the outside anyway.

On top of utilizing our creative energy to the fullest degree on the most spirited day of the year, we are encouraged to eat candy all the while. Usually, we skip the candy aisle in the grocery store. Usually, we tell our child to put down the piece of chocolate. But today we let them have it. We dress them up; we take their picture for the hundredth time repeatedly saying, "cheese, look at me." And, then we shove a piece of candy in their mouth. At the end of the day they are all sugared up and fall to bed, comatose.

Later, when the magic ends and the sugar dissolves into nothing we expect them to go back to their normal routine of putting the chocolate down and skipping dessert. "Yeah, right," our kids think. So the title of "Give a little, take a lot" comes into play. Go trick or treating and get as much candy as you want. And, at the end of the day let them revel in the sugar, a little and take the rest. Hide it. Destroy it. Give it away or save it and, once in a while, let them have a piece to remind them of the special treat Halloween brings only once a year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you saying that I should throw away the candy that didn't get given away? It's only 9:30 am PST and I'm on my 3rd Reeses Peanut Butter cup, and I can tell that dad has already had a bunch as he was up very early this morning. It's not just the little kids that you've got to hide the candy from. Feeling sick the day after...Mom